# 标题 作者 刊物 资助顺序 时间
158 新疆西准噶尔苏云河斑岩型钼矿的剥露和保存条件:来自裂变径迹和(U-Th)/He热年代学的约束. 王雅美,尹继元,袁超,等. 岩石学报,2021,37(08):2547-2561.第一课题 1 2021
157 东天山卡拉塔格复式岩体的时代,成因及构造意义. 袁鑫超,王毓婧,杜龙,等. 大地构造与成矿学, 2023, 47(6):1381-1412.第一课题 1 2023
156 新疆塔什库尔干温泉地区花岗岩体侵入与新生代构造变形:对东北帕米尔中新世构造演化的启示. 蔡志慧,何碧竹,刘若涵. 岩石学报, 2020, 36(10):15.第一课题 1 2020
155 Crustal structures inferred from Bouguer gravity anomalies in the Altai Orogen, Junggar Basin, Tianshan Orogen, and Tarim Basin. Zhu X, Huang Y, Wang T, et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2023,257:105842.第一课题 1 2023
154 An aeromagnetic study of fault structures underneath the region across the Chinese Altai orogen, Junggar Basin, Tianshan orogen, and Tarim Basin. Zhu X, Wang T, Huang H, et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2022,239:105418.第一课题 1 2022
153 Maturation of East Junggar oceanic arc related to supracrustal recycling driven by arc–arc collision: perspectives from zircon Hf–O isotopes. Zhang Y, Sun M, Yin J, et al. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2022,111(8):2519-2533.第一课题 1 2022
152 Subduction initiation of the western Paleo-Asian Ocean linked to global tectonic reorganization: Insights from Cambrian island-arc magmatism within the West Junggar, NW China。 Zhang Y , Yin J , Al. E . GSA Bulletin, 2022.DOI:10.第一课题 1 2022
151 The role and significance of juvenile sediments in the formation of A-type granites, West Junggar oceanic arc (NW China): zircon Hf-O isotopic perspectives. Jiyuan Yin, Wenjiao Xiao, et al. Geological Society of America Bulletin.第一课题 1 2020
150 Carboniferous variation of crustal thickness and subduction angles in Eastern Tianshan, NW China: evidence from the petrogenesis of the magmatic rocks in the Aqishan–Yamansu Belt. Bin Wu,Xiaoping Long, et al. International Geology Review.第一课题 1 2022
149 Zircon U-Pb Ages and Tectonic Implications of Late Paleozoic Volcanic Rocks in the Western Tianshan, North Xinjiang, China. Zaili Tao Journal of Earth Science.第一课题 1 2020
148 Contrasting styles of peraluminous S-type and I-type granitic magmatism: Identification and implications for the accretionary history of the Chinese South Tianshan. Zaili Tao, Jiyuan Yin et.al. American Journal of Science 322(2):280-312.第一课题 1 2022
147 Rejuvenation of ancient micro-continents during accretionary orogenesis: Insights from the Yili Block and adjacent regions of the SW Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Huang H, Wang T, Tong Y, et al. Earth-Science Reviews, 2020,208:103255.第一课题 1 2020
146 Paleozoic crustal evolution and tectonic switching in the Northeastern Tianshan: insights from zircon Hf isotopes of granitoids. Long Du | Hongli Zhu | Chao Yuan | Yunying Zhang | Zongying Huang | Xu-Ping Li | Xiaoping Long Journal of the Geological Society.第一课题 1 2021
145 Tracing the subduction and accretion history of the trench-arc-basin system in the Chinese Eastern Tianshan: Insights from Paleozoic magmatic and crustal evolution. Du L, Long X, Yuan C, et al. Earth-Science Reviews, 2024,252:104761.第一课题. 1 2024
144 Identification of the Late Devonian back-arc magmatism in the Chinese Eastern Tianshan. Du L, Long X, Yuan C, et al. Lithos, 2023,454-455:107283.第一课题 1 2023
143 Different effects of serpentinite-derived and slab-derived fluids on arc magmatism in the Chinese Eastern Tianshan: evidence from Mg–B isotopic systematics. Long Du | Yunying Zhang | Hongli Zhu | Zhaofeng Zhang | Yajun An | Chao Yuan | Zongying Huang | Xuping Li | Xiaoping Long Journal of the Geological Society.第一课题 1 2023
142 Neoproterozoic tectonic transition from subduction-related convergence to continental extension of the Tarim Block, NW China. Cai Z, He B, Meert J G, et al. Precambrian Research, 2021,362:106278.第一课题 1 2021
141 青藏高原巨厚地壳:生长、加厚与演化. 侯增谦,郑远川,卢占武,等. 地质学报,2020,94(10):2797-2815.DOI:10.19762/j.cnki.dizhixuebao.2020199.第二课题. 2 2020
140 Gemological and Mineralogical Studies of Greenish Blue Apatite in Madagascar. Zhang Z, Xu B, Yuan P, et al. Crystals[Z]. 2022: 12.第二课题. 2 2022
139 Petrogenesis and Physicochemical Conditions of Fertile Porphyry in Non-arc Porphyry Mineralization: A Case from Habo Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposits, SW China. Aiping Z ,Yuanchuan Z ,Yang S , et al. Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition),2023,97(02):469-485.第二课题. 2 2023